To set up an account and manage unwanted notifications, follow the steps below to set up Mail Flow rules in the Microsoft Exchange Admin Center.
What do these rules filter?
FAQ - Inbox - Outlook rules filter examples
How to set up mail flow rules in the Microsoft Exchange Admin Center?
If you are comfortable with PowerShell, you can run the following script as an administrator:
- 365 Exchange Mail Flow Rules Only (V1.2024).txt
- or follow the steps below to configure the rules
Exchange Admin Center
> Mail Flow > Rules > +Add a Rule
- LTB Whitelist
- LTB AutoAccept
- LTB Notifications
- LTB Dedupe
- LTB Deadlines
- Rule Status = enabled
- Stop Processing More Rules = disabled
- 5 Rules total
- Rules apply only to LawToolBox users
Priority 0: LTB Whitelist
+ Add rule
Conditions & Settings
Conditions Name: LTB Whitelist Apply this rule if: The sender IP address is in any of these ranges or exactly matches Specify IP address ranges: ___________________________ And The sender Domain is ___________________________ Do the followingModify the message properties Set the spam confidence level (SCL) Bypass spam filtering -1 ___________________________ Except if none | Conditions |
Settings Priority 0 Rule Mode Enforce Match sender address in message Header ___________________________ SaveCompare Enable | Settings |
Priority 1: LTB AutoAccept
+ Add rule
Conditions & Settings
Conditions Name: LTB AutoAccept Apply this rule if: The subject or body subject or body includes any of these words LTBUID ___________________________ Do the following:Modify the message properties set a message header X-MS-Exchange-Organization-CalendarBooking-Response Accept ___________________________ Except:None | Conditions |
Settings Priority 1 Rule Mode Enforce Match sender address in message Header ___________________________ SaveCompare Enable ___________________________ | Settings |
Priority 2: LTB Notifications
+ Add rule
Conditions & Settings
Conditions Name: LTB Notifications Apply this rule if: The subject or body Subject or body includes any of these words View group in Outlook added to a team in Microsoft Teams Add upcoming group events LTBUSER ___________________________ Do the following:Block the message delete the message without notifying anyone ___________________________ Except:None | Conditions |
Settings Priority 2 Rule Mode Enforce Match sender address in message Header ___________________________ SaveCompare Enable ___________________________ | Settings |
Priority 3: LTB Dedupe
+ Add rule
Conditions & Settings
Conditions Name: LTB Dedupe Apply this rule if: The message headers... Include any of these words X-MS-Exchange-Organization-CalendarBooking-Response ___________________________ And:The subject or body Subject or body includes any of these words LTBUID ___________________________ Do the following:Modify the message properties set a message header X-MS-Exchange-Organization-CalendarBooking-TriageAction MoveToDeletedItems ___________________________ Except:None | Conditions |
Settings Priority 3 Rule Mode Enforce Match sender address in message Header ___________________________ SaveCompare Enable ___________________________ | Settings |
Priority 4: LTB Deadlines
+ Add rule
Conditions & Settings
Conditions Name: LTB Deadlines Apply this rule if: The subject or body Subject includes any of these words Canceled ___________________________ And:The subject or body Subject includes any of these words LTB-allday ___________________________ Do the following:Modify the message properties set a message header X-MS-Exchange-Organization-CalendarBooking-TriageAction MoveToDeletedItems ___________________________ Except:None | Conditions |
Settings Priority 4 Rule Mode Enforce Match sender address in message Header ___________________________ SaveCompare Enable ___________________________ | Settings |
Next steps: