FAQ: When a Trial Date has been continued, but some deadlines remain with original trial date
If there are deadlines that need to remain on the original date, please use the following steps:
1. Use label option to mark them as [REMAIN]
2. Make a description note (e.g. deadline remains on XX/XX/XXXX)
3. Re-calculate your trial date
4. Remove deadlines that no longer apply
Step 1:
Edit your deadline you wish to keep in place
Mark your deadlines as “Remain”
*This label will make it easier to find the recalculated deadlines
IMPORTANT: Add a note with DL Date and original Trial Date
*Adding a note (e.g. DL Remains 12/29/21) disconnects the deadlines from the Trail Calculator
Step 2:
Move your trial date
Step 3:
Filter view to all deadlines
Search for label remain
Check the deadlines that don’t apply
Hit Delete
Delete the new deadlines that were recalculated with the new trial date