This article walks you through how to create a matter-specific report. 

For user Based reports, please see FAQ - Reports - Date Range Report

Click Matter Name > View & Edit Deadlines > Report

This report will include all deadlines selected with the checkbox (all or selected).

View & Edit Deadlines:

Refine: Filter / Search 

As a best practice, we recommend sharing a full report of "All Deadlines" when the case was first opened so your team can review the deadlines in one place and provide feedback for any changes.


Insert (outlook add-in)

When writing an email (Outlook Draft Mode)

You will see an "Insert" option, that allows you to insert the selected deadlines into the email

This is a helpful tool for communication with clients, outside counsel and others


Add the report to the email you are writing:

See related articles on additional report options for user-based reports

FAQ - Date Range report

FAQ - Matter sharing report

FAQ - Ruleset change report