This article will walk through how to change a matter that has moved to a different court 

or change a matter that was opened in the incorrect court.

When to use this feature:

  • case moved from pre-litigation to litigation
  • case moved from district court to federal court


When you change the ruleset, the original deadlines will be un-synced so you can determine if 

a) they still apply and sync again or 

b) delete all old deadlines once the rule was changed.

How to change your case to a different ruleset:

1. Click Calculate Deadlines:

2. Click on Change rule set

3. Then select the new state and court and click change rule set.


This will unsync existing deadlines

Delete or re-add them back to the calendar if they still aply

4. Calculate: Will be running from the new ruleset selection for your matter


When you change rule sets this will un-sync all of your deadlines and make all deadlines individual appointments that are no longer linked to each other. You can go back into view and edit deadlines to then sync the deadlines back to your calendar.