This article walks you through how to add a custom note to any deadline, trigger date or appointment.


"Ruleset Notes" have 1500 available characters for formatted text and will show on the calendar entries for additional information you want to include in your deadlines. Note: Tables are not supported format.

When to add a note vs edit the description?

Description changes will add more details to the subject line of your calendar events in outlook

Notes will only add details to the body of your event in Outlook

How to add a deadline note after your deadlines have been generated, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the ellipsis
  2. Add Notes
  3. Sync deadlines 
  4. See calendar entry

1. Click on the ellipsis for your deadline:

2. Add Notes

4. Sync deadlines, individually in the ellipsis or add all deadlines to the calendar

5. See note in the deadline in LawToolBox

6. See the calendar entry