Please take a look at the article below on importing users to your LawToolBox account. 

At the bottom of the article, you will find the attached excel you can use for your import.

How to import users:

1. Sign into

2. Click on Users

3. Click on import tab and click "+Import users"

4. Click download the sample file

Or at the end of the article you can find a sample csv file you can use

5. Add your data to the CSV UTF-8 file

**DO NOT CHANGE line 1 heading (leave as is)

A - First and Last name

B - Only needed if UPM does not match SMTP email address.

C - email address

D - main office line

E - TimeZone (-5 Eastern | -6 Central | -7 Mountain | -8 Pacific )

F - Ignore

G - Ignore

H - L fill out if you have the info but not required

6. Upload your CSV file

7. Click Import Users, review the imported users and click add


To confirm your data is correct, please check the "audit users" emails to make sure there are no mismatches