LawToolbox Matter Activation and Training
Do the below steps only after the final import and final index are completed by LawToolBox
M365 Admin: Import matters and deadlines into LawToolBox
Step 1: Activate Matter
- Open LawToolBox and find an imported matter in "Firm Matters"
- Click on the matter name to open the matter menu
- Chose "create group"
Step 2: Share Matter
- Verify users on the matter (if imported)
- Use type ahead to choose additional attorneys and staff to add to the case
- Note, If you have users pinned, they will show at the top across all your cases
Step 3: Apply Ruleset
- Select your state and ruleset
- Run new calculations
Step 4: Sync Deadlines
- Click on the matter name to re-open the matter menu
- Click "View and Edit Deadlines"
- Click Sync > Add selected for upcoming events
Step by step:
Step 1: Activate Matter (Create Group)
- Go to > sign in
- Go to "Firm Matters" if signed in as yourself
- Stay in "My Matters" if signed in as a Central Docketing User
- Stay in "My Matters" or the matters where shared to you prior to the import
- Click on the matter name with a flashing triangle (imported matter)
- Click Create Group
Step 2: Share matter
- Add any additional people to the matter when needed
- If users were added to the matters during the import, they will automatically be added
Step 3: Apply Ruleset
- Or click on the matter name and go to "Calculate Deadlines"
- Select state and ruleset when you need to calculate deadlines
- Submit:
Now, new calculation will run off the selected ruleset
If you need to update the ruleset at any point, see FAQ - Calendar - How to change a rule-set to a different court
*Skip if you did not do the deadline import*
Step 4: Sync Deadlines
- Look for matters with the orange status bar (indicate future deadlines):
- Click matter name to select "View and Edit Deadlines'
- Click Sync > Add Selected
- Repeat for all matters to show as green: