LawToolBox AI is integrated with LawToolBox for Teams, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook.
This article walks through how to enable AI for LawToolBox
- Sign up for Azure services subscription
- Login to the Azure Portal and go to Azure OpenAI module.
- Search for OpenAi at the top of Azure Portal
Create a resource:
Fill in details with your own details:
- Ensure you have at least Basic Azure subscription
- Azure Portal > Subscriptions
Return to OpenAI and select ‘Document intelligence’:
Create a new instance with a unique name:
From OpenAi main page and select your instance:

Select Resource Management > Model Deployments:

- Locate the button at the top of the info page here and go to Azure AI Foundry.
- Select Deployment Models and locate gpt-35-turbo.
- Confirm token limit and request increate if necessary. (24 hours to review)
- Deploy model in the same region as your OpenAI instance.
- Select the gpt-35-turbo option and give your deployment a name
- Login to LawToolBox Admin Portal and go to AI > Setting
- For Deployment name use the name above you created at step above for deployment a name
- Copy the Endpoint and Key1 from the Manage Keys section in OpenAI

- Paste that info the OpenAi setting fields in the LTB Admin Portal
- Select the ‘Open AI Setting’ drop down and select ‘Form Recognizer’
- Return to your Document Intelligence resource you created earlier and copy the Endpoint and KEY 1 for LTB
- Paste that endpoint into the Setting page for Form Recognizer in
Save: Setup is now complete for the tool and you should be ready to access the AI model from the LawToolBox Add-in
Useful Resources:
Organizations may need to apply for Azure Open AI access, if it is not available into their Tenant. More info under Responsible AI section of the following article:
Azure Open AI Pricing
Azure Form Recognizer Pricing [Recommended tier S0]
Azure Form Recognizer deployment