This article will walk through how to resync a specific user's personal calendar in outlook. 


This audit is only available to a Central Docketing user and requires re-granting Enterprise Permissions by your IT admin. 

The below outline resync is required when Microsoft group calendars cannot communicate with the personal calendar (A known Microsoft Issue that may be impacting hybrid exchange users).


Step 1:

Verify the group calendar in 

Review the attendees to confirm the problem user is listed on an invite under attendees

Step 2:
IT Admin to grant enterprise permissions 

Step 3:

Log in to as the Central Docketing / Master Calendar user

Step 4:

Expand the "Manage Events" section and use the "find", "duplicate" or "canceled" option 

Expand "Reports" to "audit user calendar"

to audit the personal calendars of a specific user based on your issues



Step 1: Verify 

Go to OWA (Online Web Access)

  • Go to 
  • Open the calendar > Show all > Groups > Select matter Group calendar
  • Open the problem entry and confirm the list of group members/recipients is accurate

Step 2: IT Grant permissions

Step 3: Sign in to Admin Portal

  • Make sure to sign in as the Docketing user to
  • or sign in as yourself to audit your own calendar

Step 4: Admin Reports

Missing events

  • Reports > Audit User Calendar 
  • This will look for any missing or not up to date events
  • Select all and "Sync"

Duplicate events

Use this option if you have duplicated events

Note: Download the report for your records first

Canceled Events