If you are experiencing any of the following, please look at the steps below to troubleshoot a problem case.

Possible issues:

  • Edit - Trying to edit or sync a deadline, but get an "Oops" error message
  • Sync - Updates in LawToolBox do not show on the Outlook calendar
  • Sync - Deadlines are synced but don't appear on the calendar
  • Outlook - Not part of the matter in LawToolBox, but still see deadlines in Outlook


  • "Audit Group" - re-add yourself back to the group (Enterprise Permissions required)
  • "Share Matter" - A user with full access to re-add the problem user to the matter

Learn more about groups: 

Help: M365 Groups for LawToolBox



Step 1: Confirm this is your issue

Please click on the matter name and check “Audit Group” to see if there is an issue with the users in the group.

There was a mismatch when the case was created or modified:

"Audit Group":

This menu option allows you to confirm who can view, edit, and receive deadlines in Outlook

  • Normal behavior tabs should match 1 to 1
  • Problem behavior more users in the LawToolBox tab
"O365 Group" tab
  • The O365 group tab controls edit rights for calendar
  • Grants permissions to sync & edit deadlines on Outlook

"O365 Group" tab
2 Users in the group
"LawToolBox" tab 
  • LawToolBox tab can see the matter in the app under "My Matters" 
  • LawToolBox tab controls which users get reminders
  • Control what matters show in the report for that user
  • If you see an Icon

Description automatically generated icon, add the user to the group

"LawToolBox" tab
3 Users in the app


Step 2: Add the missing user

Option A: Re-add to group under "Audit Group"

If you see an Icon

Description automatically generated icon in the "LawToolBox" tab, add the user to the group

This will allow the user to make changes on the outlook calendar

Opption B: Share Matter

  • Ask another user to re-share the matter with you
  • Go to "Share Matter", remove the problem user and re-add to force update
  • Check the "Audit" to verify tabs match 1-1


Step 3: Optional

Audit: Update Deadlines

Need to force update the deadlines?

  • "View and Edit Deadlines"
  • Scroll to the bottom
  • "Audit"
  • "Resync (Force update existing)"

  • All deadlines should successfully update
  • Click "Audit Group" to verify O365 tab (Please note, this may take a moment to show)



Why am I seeing these issues?

There are many reasons this may happen and LawToolBox does not have visibility into the cause of the issue. Most users experience this rarely with one case. If this happens in all of your cases, please reach out to our helpdesk.

This issue occurs in your Microsoft 365 tenant due to delays in a new group provisioning, interruptions of the request when adding new users, accidentally leaving the group, being removed by someone else, name or email changes, etc.

Still have trouble?

Note: Requires Enterprise permissions from IT

M365 Admin - Deployment: Application Permissions