This article will walk you through several levels of troubleshooting for individual matters/users who do not receive deadlines on their Outlook calendars.
LawToolBox is designed to share all deadlines equally with all users shared on the matter.
Things to consider:
- Did this user's email change recently?
- Is this a new user or is this a new issue?
- Is it happening for one case or all cases for a user?
Here are a few steps you can follow when there is one user who is not updating.
Check group:
Verify the user is a member of the M365 group that controls the sync for the matter
- This user may be shared in LawToolBox, but was not properly added to the group.
- You can re-add the user to the group via "Audit Group" or "Share Matter" to force update the calendar
- Help: Oops! Deadlines not updating the calendar > Check group status
Re-share matter:
- Re-add the user to the matter via "share matter"
- Or ask your LTB admin to re-share the matter in
Re-sync deadlines:
- Go to View & Edit Deadlines to check the ellipsis for one synced deadline or event
- Check "View attendees" to confirm who should see this entry on their outlook
Audit sync to users' calendars in a matter:
Go to the bottom of the deadline chart under "View and Edit Deadlines" and click "Audit"
- Click "Audit sync to users calendar"
- If there is a mismatch, you can re-sync that individual user
- If there is no user mismatch, you will get a message "Everything looks good"
- Click "Resync"
- update all users on the matter at once
- resync all deadlines for the matter (past and future)