To create a new matter in LawToolBox, please go to Outlook add-in, Teams app, or and go to Matters. 

+ New Matter

  1. Add matter details (Nickname, Matter number, Client Name, Court number, etc.)
  2. Add court details (State and jurisdiction)
  3. Add users (Staff and Attorney users)
  4. Done!

Make sure to check for special configurations as discussed in your LawToolBox 1:1 training



+ New Matter

Note: If you have view-only rights, you may not see this option


1. Add Matter Details:

Add the key details in the provided fields

Note: For special configurations visit FAQ - DMS NetDocuments - LawToolBox plugin

Create Matter:

  • *Matter Nickname (Required)
  • Matter Number (Internal Billing or DMS number)
  • Client Name (Optional)
  • Case Number (Court case number)
  • Case URL (Link to court docket or frequently needed external case link)
  • Third-party number (Optional)

  • Nickname Shows as the subject line of the calendar events, reminders, and matter reports. 
  • Nickname Prefix for all entries
  • All other fields show in calendar events, reports, and reminders. 
  • Searchable in Outlook calendar


2. Add Court details:

  • Select state and ruleset
  • Check Accept license agreement
  • Create


3. Add Users:

Add all users who need to manage, receive, or view details of the matter and deadlines

  • Smart type-ahead search
  • All added users will be receiving deadlines and events on the calendar
  • All users will see this matter when logging into LawToolBox under "My Matters"
  • Pop-ups confirm all users are added successfully


1) If you renamed your matter and need to update all deadlines in the calendar, go to "View and Edit Deadlines" > Audit > Resync

2) Check Audit to make sure all users are part of the group